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As is the tradition every year, the ceremony of presentation of New Year wishes to the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife took place on Thursday, 26 January 2023, at the Yaoundé Conference Centre from his collaborators. This colourful ceremony marked the official resumption of the Ministry’s activities for the year 2023.

After the reading of the final communiqué of the annual seminar of the Central and Deconcentrated Services of the Ministry which took place the day before, by the Regional Delegate of the West. Though it is usually not a speech making event, there were however speeches fromrepresentatives of the forestry and wildlife sectors, the Secretary General as well as the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife.

It was also an opportunity for both Minister and the Secretary General, Mr. NYONGWEN Joseph, to review the year 2022 and to present the prospects for 2023. The Minister in his address recalled, among other things, that MINFOF should intensify its support to the Decentralised Territorial Communities, with a view to involve them more in this segment of the sectoral activity. Within the framework of strengthening governance, the Minister congratulated the implementation of SIGIF 2 and appreciated the unreserved support of economic operators to this tool for strengthening forest governance.

The ceremony ended with the various delegations present passing before the Minister and the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Mrs. KOULSOUMI ALHADJI épse BOUKAR, for the traditional handshake.