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The Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, Jules DoretNdongo has on behalf of the ministry signed four different MoU with the African Wildlife Foundation, AWF relating to technical and financial assistance in the management of biodiversity.

Present in Cameroon since 2015 and the first phase concluded in 2019 for a period of three years, some protected areas were focal points of AWF support, some of which are the Dja Wildlife Reserve and the Campo-Ma’anand Faro national parks during this period. It also included support for anti-poaching and scientific research through ecological monitoring.  With regards to logistics, Minfof has benefited from the provision of several SuVs and motorcycles as well as the renovation and construction of offices some of which are still underway in the parks concerned.

With the first phase completed and evaluation mission sent to the field, reports were favourable which made room for continual of the partnership for an even better and more visible results. This is so the challenges faced by the forestry and wildlife sub-sectorswould have new perspectives for improving performance and results in the future.

Thus, the MoU signed this 17th April is thanks to the elaboration and consolidation of the support for the conservation, development and sustainable management of wildlife and forest resources in Cameroon, four specific agreements relating to AWF intervention in the Dja Forest reserve, AWF’s intervention in Campo Ma’an, Faro and ManyangenaElombo Campo marine national parks as well as the operationalization of the Canine anti-poaching unit.

Speaking on behalf of the AWF, Charly Facheux, Senior Vice President for Conservation Strategy, Impact and Learning said their aim is for the forestry and wildlife sub-sectors to prosper in a modern Africa and the MoU which will run for a cost of about CFA 7.7billion will be done in absolute transparency. The support will ensure that while communities are benefitting from natural resources, the resources should also be well preserves and sustainable. The plan of action will run for five years and they are ready for a win-win situation with the government of Cameroon.

Norbert Sonne, Cameroon Country Director of AWF signed on behalf of the organization.