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The traditional annual meeting of the central and decentralised services of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife for the year 2022 was held on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 at the Yaoundé Conference Centre.

On the occasion of the said seminar held under the theme “Governance of the forestry and wildlife sub-sector: innovations and prospects”, the Minister His Excellency Jules Doret NDONGO, in his opening speech, reminded the audience that the main objective of this seminar is to take stock of all the actions carried out in the course of the year 2022, and to present the priorities and prospects of the forestry and wildlife sub-sector for the year ahead. He equally said that the choice of this theme was motivated by all the challenges facing the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife.

The seminar was marked by fruitful exchanges, and participants were invited to adopt good practices in order to achieve the annual objectives for an efficient management of its missions and for good governance in general.

At the end of the discussions, the following resolutions were adopted:

  1. Adapt the current National Forest Law Enforcement Strategy to the dematerialisation of procedures in accordance with the requirements of SIGIF II;
  2. Strengthen Forest law enforcement;
  3. Facilitate the supply of legal timber to the domestic timber market, so as to enable operators to access it easily;
  4. Review the legislation on transhumance, to better secure our Protected Areas;
  5. Initiate an economic study on the impact of transhumance in the Protected Areas; etc.

On behalf of the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, the Secretary General congratulated the participants for the quality of the exchanges and their assiduity in the work. He then drew the attention of those in charge of the deconcentrated services to the need to report in real time on all cases of indiscipline recorded in their service (attendance, effective presence at work, insubordination, etc.).

At the end of the meeting, participants expressed their gratitude to the Minister for organising the seminar and committed themselves to implementing all the recommendations made during the meeting.